Wednesday, April 17, 2013


We are Jeffrey and Caroline, a Dutch and Austrian mixed couple. This is our first blog, starting it without any experience and probably without any skills of writing, BUT maybe there is a little writer hidden. We will find out in our blogging journey.

The reason for starting this Blog is our big trip to Asia and in this way we are able to stay in contact with family, friends and everyone who is interested what we are up to.

We decided to tell our stories in English, because this is the only language we BOTH speak. English is not our mother tongue, so please excuse us for faults and the easy way of writing. There is hope for improvement :)

The DREAM: As a kid my parents travelled a lot with me in Europe, this showed me to respect and be interested in diversity. I became older and my longing for freedom and independence grew with me. With 17 I moved away from my parents, trying to satisfy my urge. 2010 I travelled through the Netherlands and met my boyfriend Jeff. 2011 I moved to Rotterdam for 2 reasons, first of all I was totally in love with Jeff and I wanted to live with him. And the second reason was my curiosity for this different culture. This was one of my best decisions I have ever made. In Jeff I found someone who shares my love for traveling and adventurousness.

2013 we decided to explore the world together, to leave everything behind that holds us back and feel free. The decision was made and the planning started. Our chosen destination….ASIA (I won this battle ;))

What is this Blog now exactly about...

It is about planning and realize our trip. It is about a dream coming true, with all it good experiences and all it bad ones. It’s about showing others who we are.
